This is a list of articles featuring the main active seeps reported in HYSED-ro.
Andrae, C.J. (1853). Report of a geognostic journey through the southernmost point of the Banat and Transylvania, undertaken in 1851. Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Halle, I/4, 55-84 (in German)
Flitsch, J. (1882). Chemical analysis of the waters from the mud pools of Reussen. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbürgischen vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, XXXII, 158-164 (in German)
Schuster, M. (1882). The mud-mounds and -springs near the ponds in Reussen. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbürgischen vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, XXXII, 158-164 (in German)
Oebeke, C. and Blackenhorn, M. (1901). Report of a reconisence geological survey in Transylvania, in the fall of 1899, II. Petroleum and natural gas in the inner basin of Transylvania. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbürgischen vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, L, 20-31 (in German)
Posewitz, T. (1906). Petroleum and asphalt in Hungary. Magyar kiralyi foldtani intezet Evkonyve, XV/4, 209-444 (in Hungarian)
Banyai, J. (1932). Mud springs from Udvarhely. Transylvanian Museum Society’s Environmental Science Departments Communication, 1-17 (in Hungarian)
Peaha, M. (1965). Mud volcanoes from Romania. Romanian Academic Press, Studies and researches in geology, geophysics, geography, Geography series, 12/2 (in Romanian)
Ipo, L. (1974). Contributions to the knowledge of therapeutic mud’s from Harghita Covasna and Mures County. In: Factori terapeutici naturali din Judetul Harghita, Miercurea Ciuc Press, 448 pp., 379-387 (in Romanian)
Vofkori, L. (1974). Contributions to the knowledge of mud volcanoes from Odorheiu Secuiesc region. In: Factori terapeutici naturali din Judetul Harghita, Miercurea Ciuc Press, 448 pp., 388-395 (in Romanian)
Filipescu, M. N. and Huma, I. (1979). Geochemistry of natural gases. Romanian Academic Press, Bucharest, 175 pp. (in Romanian)
Bandrabur, T., Ghenea, C., Ghenea, A., Craciun, P. (1981). Map of mineral and thermal waters of the Socialist Republic of Romania 1:100000. Geological and Geophysical Institute of Romania.
Mastan, I., Znamirovschi, V., Cosma, C., Pop, I. (1981). The compositional and origin of the emanated gases from Cerna Valley geothermal sources. Studii Cercetari Fizice, Tom. 33, Nr. 6, 539-555 (in Romanian).
Mastan, I., Znamirovschi, V., Cosma, C. (1982). The compositional and origin of the gases emanated from Mehadica Valley geothermal sources. Studii Cercetari Fizice, Tom. 34, Nr. 4, 347-350 (in Romanian).
Mastan, I., Cosma, C., Znamirovschi, V. (1982). New data on the composition and origin of the natural gases emanated from the Cerna valley and Mehadica valley geothermal sources. Studii Cercetari Fizice, Tom. 34, Nr. 6, 579-585 (in Romanian).
Sencu, V. (1985). The mud volcanoes from Berca. Bucharest Sport - Turism Press, 21 pp. (in Romanian)
Cosma, C. and Ristoiu, D. (1999). Study of rare gases in the geothermal waters, from Herculane area, Romania. Il Nuovo Cimento 22/3-4, 311-320.
Wanek, F. (2000). Research Concerning Mineral Waters and of Hydrocarbon Occurrences in the Eastern Carpathians before 1908. A Brief Historical Review. Koolaj es Foldgaz, 33(133)/7-8, 74-80 (in Hungarian)
Baciu, C. and Etiope, G. (2002). The environmental significance of methane emission from geogenic sources. Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Studia Geologica, Special Issue 1, 31-36.
Etiope, G., Caracausi, A., Favara, R., Italiano, F., Baciu C. (2003). Reply to comment by A. Kopf on "Methane emission from mud volcanoes of Sicily (Italy)", and notice on CH4 flux data from European mud volconoes. Geophysical research letters, vol. 30, nr. 2, 1094, doi:10.1029/2002GL016287
Etiope, G., Baciu, C., Caracausi, A., Italiano, F., Cosma, C. (2004). Gas flux to the atmosphere from mud volcanoes in eastern Romania. Terra Nova, 16, 179-184.
Wanek, F. (2005). the true story of the discovery of natural gas in Transylvania. Muszaki Szemle, 30, 27-40 (in Hungarian)
Baciu, C., Caracausi, A., Etiope, G., Italiano, F. (2007). Mud volcanoes and methane seeps in Romania: main features and gas flux. Annals of Geophysics, 50/4, 501-511.
Baciu, C., Etiope, G., Cuna, S., Spulber, L.(2008). Methane seepage in an urban development area (Bacau, Romania): origin, extent, and hazard. Geolfuids, 8, 311-320.
Cosma, C., Suciu, I., Jantschi, L., Bolboaca, S.D. (2008). Ion-molecule reactions and chemical composition of emanated from Herculane Spa geothermal sources. International Journal of Molecular Science, 9, 1024-1033.
Povara, I., Simion, G., Marin, C. (2008). Thermo-mineral waters from the Cerna valley basin (Romania). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, 53/2, 41-45.
Wanek, F. (2008). The discovery history of the natural gas deposits from the Transylvanian Basin beginning with the death of Ferenc Nyulas until it’s (re)discovery in 1908. Muszaki Szemle, 44, 3-16 (in Hungarian)
Etiope ,G., Feyzullayev, A., Baciu, C.L.(2009). Terrestrial methane seeps and nud volcanoes: A globel perspective of gas origin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26, 333-344.
Gal, A.(2010). Mud volcanoes of the Eastern and Central part of the Transylvanian Depression, Babes-Bolyai University, 164 pp. (in Romanian)
Spulber, L., Etiope, G., Baciu, C., Malos, C., Vlad, S.N. (2010). Methane emissions from natural gas seeps and mud volcanoes in Transylvania (Romania). Geofluids, 10, 463-475
Spulper, L. (2010). Geogenic emissions of methane in Transylvania and their environmental implication. Babes-Bolyai University, 213 pp. (in Romanian)
Merlan, V. (2011). The mud volcanoes of Romania. Panfilius Press, 188 pp. (in Romanian)
Oil Tracers (2011). Petroleum systems oil geochemistry data room,
Frunzet, N., Baciu, C., Etiope, G., Phanz, H. (2012). Geogenic emissions of methane and carbon dioxide at Beciu mud volcano, (Berca-Abanasi hydrocarbon-bearing structure, Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7/3, 159-166
Baciu, C., Frunzeti, N., Ionescu, A., Etiope, G., Costin, D., Malos, C. (2012). Geogenic gas emissions in Romania and thir value for tourism. 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconfrence, Conference Proceedings, Volum V., 439-446.
Hong, W.-L., Etiope, G., Yang, T.F., Chang, P.Y. (2013). Methane flux from miniseepage in mud volcanoes of SW Taiwan: Comparison with the data from Italy, Romania, and Azerbaijan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 65, 3-12.
Frunzeti, N., Moldovan, M., Burghele B.-D., Cosma, C., Baciu, C., Papp, B., Popita G.E., Stoian L.C. (2013). Flux measurements of 222Rn , CH4 and CO2 along with soil gas concentrations (222Rn, CO, NO2 and SO2) over a methane reservoir in Transylvania (Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, 75-80.